Förlovning I Dramatisk Bergsmiljö: Becky + Dean

Fotografen April som driver Freckled Fox Photography står inte bara bakom kameran i dessa bilder. Hon har en större roll i dagens blogginlägg än så. April är syster till Dean som planerat att fria till sin flickvän Becky. April brukar träffa Becky för kreativa fotoprojekt med jämna mellanrum, så det var lätt att få med Becky ut på fotoäventyr även denna gången. Att även pojkvännen Dean hängde med var inget som Becky reagerade särskilt mycket över. Åtminstone inte förrän han gick ned på knä.

Ord från fotografen April

White Rock Overlook isn’t super crowded in the colder months so I hoped we would have the place to ourselves. After taking a few photos of Becky, I asked if I could take a few of them together before she changed. We she came back and they walked over to a different vantage point so I could give them some privacy to talk for a minute. I snuck over and caught them just at the right time. Becky had no inkling that was why we were all there. It was a perfect moody evening and I’m so so glad I was there to capture it.

Ord från den blivande bruden Becky

It was January, windy, and more than chilly when we drove up. The sun was just setting with cloud banks sprawled across a pastel pink sky. It was super romantic; kind of unusual for us, since we're not massive romantics. Still, Dean popped the question while April was shooting couples photos of us. I was pretty slow on the whole thing and it took him repeating himself until I understood what was going on. Quite a few profanities- that I'm glad weren't on tape- later, the ring was on my finger. He had planned it all with April; I truly had no idea it was going to happen. Perfection. The serenity and how harsh nature stood around us- the cold made it intense- all of it was absolutely more than I could have ever imagined for this special moment. He knows me well.

Söker du en fotograf som kan föreviga er förlovning, bröllop eller andra värdefulla ögonblick i livet?
Ta en titt på följande fotograf från vårt arkiv med bröllopstjänster:

martin_k_1 (6).jpg

Martin K - Prana foto

Bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm

matildaaudasbjörkholm-3 (1).jpg

Matildas tillvaro

Bröllopsfotograf Umeå

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Lisa-marie Chandler

Bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm


Så härliga bilder på ett härligt frieri! Tack Becky, Dean och April för att vi fick ta del av denna stund.
