Förlovningsfotografering Bland Bergen i North Carolina: Rachel + Oren
Rachel och Oren träffades online och det var kärlek vid första ögonkastet genom skärmen. Oren hjälpte den något blyga Rachel att komma ut ur sitt skal, och fick henne att tro på livet och kärleken igen. Till historien hör att Rachel nästan förlorade sitt liv i en tragisk bilolycka, hon behandlas fortfarande och kommer alltid att behöva behandlas för skadorna hon fick i kraschen.
Oren friade till Rachel på Max Patch Mountain i North Carolina. De tog sedan med sig fotografen Melody Cook Photography för att ta sina förlovningsporträtt på platsen som för alltid kommer att ha en speciell plats i deras hjärtan. Idag får vi njuta av bilderna och läsa Rachels egna ord om frieriet, förlovningen och det stundade bröllopet!
Hur träffades ni?
It's a very modern love story! We had some mutual friends on Facebook and he added me as a friend. We started messaging back and forth and eventually we made plans to meet in person for our first date, and we just hit it off really well!
Vad gör ert förhållande speciellt?
We really enjoy spending quality time together. We typically have a really good time doing whatever as long as we can be together, but some of our favorite activities include going on hikes, taking our dogs for walks, and crafting together. Any time we get to spend close, even if it's just watching a movie or TV show, is a chance to bond for us.
Berätta om frieriet:
The proposal was perfect. We were celebrating our one year anniversary and went up to the top of Max Patch to watch the sun rise on a Saturday morning. We set out early for the two hour drive, and we just had a great time making the trip. Once we got there, we walked up to the top and got to watch as the sun rose up in the sky and watched as the sky changed colors and it was beautiful. We stayed for a while and just took everything in, and I just remember thinking how thankful I was for Oren and how amazing he was. On our walk back down, we got about halfway when Oren stopped me. He just told me he had a question and it couldn't wait, and he got down on one knee and proposed there. It was absolutely magical, and I said yes! I didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
Har ni börjat planera bröllopet?
We have actually been planning quite a bit, but some of the details still need to be worked out. We have a rustic theme with the color scheme being a lavender and a light sage green. We're super excited to get details worked out, and I am thankful to have such an amazing fiancé by my side to help me. It's definitely going to be a magical day for us!
Letar du efter en fotograf för förlovning-, bröllops-, eller familjefotografering?
Spana in vårt arkiv med bröllopstjänster där bland annat följande talanger finns med.
Matildas tillvaro
Fotograf i Umeå
Martin K
Fotograf i Stockholm
Lisa Marie Chandler
Fotograf i Stockholm
Vi önskar brudparet stort lycka till!
Fotograf: Melody Cook Photography.
Blomsterdesign: Kroger.
Plats: Max Patch.